There are many benefits of using a computer. some of them are given as under:


If the input of instructions given to a computer is correct, there is no scope for errors in the tasks performed by a computer.

Fast Speed

A computer works at great speed. The computer can perform complex tasks within no time. It can process the data and information in a blink of an eye which otherwise may take months together.


When human beings do a job again and again, they get fed up with a monotonous job and lose their concentration. But computers have absolute diligence in working. It can work tirelessly for hours together with the same speed and accuracy. 


Computers can perform multiple tasks of different nature at one and the same time. One can write an article in M S Word on a computer taking assistance of a computer dictionary while listening online music of one's choice at the same computer and can take printouts of some documents simultaneously.


Computer have the ability to store large amount of data. One can store hundreds of books on one DVD which otherwise may occupy one room for storage. Further, the required information can be accessed even after several years with 100% completion and accuracy.


A computer can automatically perform operations freeing the user during such operations. It controls automatically different devices attached with the computer. It executes automatically the program instructions one by one.


The electronic components in modern computers have very low failure rate. A modern computer can perform very complicated without creating any problem and produces consistent (reliable) results. In other words, when a computer is 100% accurate, then its reliability is also 100%.

No Feeling

Computer is an electronic machine. It has no feeling. It defects objects on the basis of instructions given to it. Based on our feeling, taste, knowledge and experience: we can make certain decisions and judgments in our daily life. on the other hand, a computer can't make such judgments on their own. their judgments are totally based on instructions given to them.