Computer are made up of two parts: the hardware and the software. The physical equipment required to create, use, manipulate and store electronic data is referred to as hardware. The computerised instructions that operate a computer manipulate the data and execute particular functions or task is referred to as software 

All computers require the following hardware components:

(1) Central processing unit (CPU)

This is also known as the brain of a computer. This is a single chip (sometimes more than one chip) located at the heart of a computer that enable it to process data. Also known as a processor.

(2) Memory

This is an area within a computer system that holds data waiting to be processed.

(3) Storage device

This is the place where a computer puts the data for future references.

(4) Input device

The devices that allow data and instructions to be entered in a computer ( such as keyboard, mouse, scanner).

(5) Output device

The devices that allow information to be represented ( i.e., given out) to the user, such as a display screen or printer).